Girl spent good time with father.

Autumn is approaching, and we can already smell the bonfires, falling leaves and pumpkin spice in the air. This time leading up to the holiday season is a fun time of the year. The kids have gone back to school, their extracurricular activities have picked back up and you’re anxiously awaiting the holiday season. There’s no better time to focus on you than right now. If you’re toying with the idea of finally get braces, now might be the right time. Here’s why fall is the perfect time for parents to get braces.

Fall Means More Time for You

Since the kids are back in school, you’ll likely have more time to schedule your orthodontic appointments. Summer is the time for shuttling your kids from one activity or friend’s house or summer camp to the next. With more time to yourself, you’ll be able to make your appointments and also keep up with the proper maintenance of your teeth and braces.

The Holidays Are Approaching

Life is about to get a lot more hectic once the holidays arrive. This means shopping, decorating, making that costume for your child’s holiday play, etc. The last thing you want to deal with is discomfort from your new braces. You can get it all out of the way early so you can focus on preparing (and enjoying) the holiday season with your loved ones. If you get braces in the fall, you’ll be adjusted to your new lifestyle by the time the holidays arrive, giving you one less thing to worry about this holiday season.

Keep Your Focus

Once you get braces, you’ll need to abide by these rules:

  • Avoiding certain foods
  • Brushing at least twice per day and after meals
  • Flossing regularly
  • Rinsing your mouth daily
  • Avoiding biting down on hard foods
  • Maintaining impeccable oral hygiene

If you didn’t have a good enough incentive to skip out on all of that sugary Halloween candy, you do now! It’s important to listen to your orthodontist to ensure maximum success with your treatment.

Plus, if your kids got new braces while they were on summer break, they will have already gotten used to them, so you won’t have to worry about their transition, allowing yourself to focus on you.

Getting Braces in the Fall

If you’ve been putting off getting braces and trying to find the time to take a moment for yourself, the fall is the best time to begin your journey to beautiful teeth. Get used to them before the holidays, take advantage of a little more free time and listen to your orthodontist. You’re doing great at home and at work, you deserve to be able to sport a winning smile as well.

The team at Charleston Orthodontic Specialists is excited about fall, and even more excited to help you with your orthodontic treatment! Call (843) 4-BRACES to get started today!