Mouth Washer

Having bad breath can cause problems. Not only is it unattractive, it can also mean you have an underlying issue causing this problem. When you have braces, keeping your mouth clean comes with its own set of challenges. Now that there are more places for bacteria to hide and thrive, you’ll need to be diligent in your oral hygiene efforts. Keeping your breath fresh with braces is extremely important. Here’s how you can ensure that you’re doing your absolute best.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Bacteria is the main culprit when it comes to problems in the mouth, especially problems like bad breath. Keeping up with your oral hygiene habits will help combat bad breath when you have braces. Stay on top of your oral hygiene by:

  • Brushing and flossing daily
  • Using a quality mouthwash
  • Seeing your dentist for regular check-ups
  • Rinsing your mouth out with water after eating (or brushing if you can)

If you keep up with proper oral hygiene practices, you’re less likely to experience bad breath. This not only goes for those with braces, but for everyone. Keeping your mouth clean is key to staying healthy.

Be Mindful of the Foods You Eat

We are what we eat, which means if you’re turning to the wrong foods, you have a bigger chance of having more bacteria in the mouth. This not only means developing other more serious problems, but it also adds pesky bad breath into the mix. Try to steer clear of foods that have a strong smell, like garlic, since these foods tend to linger throughout the day.

You’ll also want to limit your sugar consumption, as this leads to problems like tooth decay, gum disease and you guessed it…bad breath! If you do happen to enjoy a garlic-filled meal, try popping a sugar-free breath mint to ward off any signs of bad breath. And be sure to clear out any sugary residue by brushing your teeth after enjoying a sweet treat.

Always Stay Hydrated

Did you know that dehydration can lead to bad breath? Many people are not aware, but when your mouth is too dry, saliva can’t do its job properly. One of the responsibilities of saliva is to help remove stuck-on particles from the teeth and between the teeth. When you’re dehydrated, there’s not enough saliva to do this and bacteria starts to make its way into the cracks and crevices of the mouth, leading to bad breath. Dehydration is serious and can cause a host of other problems in the body, so be sure to always stay hydrated to keep your body in tip-top shape.

Thankfully, bad breath can be avoided with some everyday practices. Sticking to proper oral hygiene is so important in many facets of our well-being, and staying mindful of the foods we eat and our hydration helps us to stay healthy. So, the next time you’re experiencing bad breath with braces, remember these tips. Not only will you improve the health of your mouth, you’ll keep your breath fresh as well.

Charleston Orthodontic Specialists is ready to help you get the spectacular smile that you deserve! Call (843) 4-BRACES to get started with our team.